YouGov has made a study for Google that has shown that Romanians are at high risk for phishing attacks and viruses.
37% of Romanians say they have been targeted by a phishing attack by someone trying to access personal data, including passwords and bank details, by misleading methods, claiming to be a legitimate source.
28% of study participants said they were infected with a virus or software, resulting in manipulation, theft or deletion of personal data.
24% of Romanians claim that someone has accessed unauthorized social networking / email accounts.
The population is beginning to become aware of online risks, so financial data protection is a priority concern for 49% of Romanians, being directly interested in secure Internet banking and processing of card data when making online transactions.
Implementing GDPR norms has come to your everyday life beyond the pop-up site that you close in 2 clicks, most of the time without reading them. Here, 19% are very attentive to their personal data: domicile, CNP, etc ..
Surprisingly, given the increased appetite of Romanians for social media, according to @Facebrands in January 2017 there were + 9,600,000 Facebook accounts, +550,000 instagram accounts and + 27,000 Twitter, yet 9% declared to be the protection of personal life, Trying to be as discrete as possible, it comes to family or job events, photos, trips, etc.
The study was conducted between December 27, 2018 and January 7, 2019, on a sample of 1,009 adult adults in Romania.
Prime Telecom, in partnership with Forinet, offers Next Generation Firewall solutions that provide complex analysis and filtering criteria so your business can be protected against phishing attempts.
For more details, please contact us at sales@primetelecom.ro